Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You...

So I have decided to expand my blogging world by adding a few blogs that are theme based. I will be creating two or three blogs in the next week or so, all which I will use to update my readers on various subject matter. So far, I have no clue what topics I am going to select, but I am certainly open for suggestions. If there is something you would like for me to blog about, please write me a comment and will definitely consider your suggestions, after all, these blogs are meant for you guys. I'll throw out some topic ideas as they come to me, and I am hoping I can get some feedback on what you guys think of my ideas. I don't blog for myself, I blog to get my voice out there and to interest the reader. So I am asking you guys, what do YOU want to read about?!

Topic ideas:
New and innovative gadgets
Consumer product reviews
Travel recommendations
New advances in healthcare
On-line freelancing careers and reviews of freelancing sites
Book reviews and literary updates
Entertainment and celebrity blogging
Google news blog

Write well, write often and fill me in on what you want to know!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have been informed this evening that I am going to be published in the magazine "Spotlight on Recovery" early next year. This magazine focuses on recovery from addiction and shows that hope is out there and recovery is possible. They are publishing an excerpt from my book, which I am hoping helps me land an agent! I am so excited! I receive five copies of the magazine when it gets published, plus of course I am getting paid. This is the start of my print publishing career! I am going to go submit more articles to magazines now... Tata

Write well and write often IT PAYS OFF

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Apartment, Empty Pit Inside

Well I have done it, I have rented my first apartment. Thanks to my income from Demand Media, I have earned enough to cover rent for two months, cost of furniture, a pet deposit, and tomorrow I am adopting a cat! I hope this cat cures my woes. Since the move I have been very lonely. I am trying to just work through the boredom, because I have bills upon bills to pay, but I just wish I had some friends out here. I thought I did, but the truth is, I don't. Oh well, enough ranting, this is my freelancing blog, so on to my freelancing. I was hired by Bright Hub to write for their depression channel as well as their eating disorder channel. I have written two articles so far, and one has been published. The pay isn't anything to write home about, but it will definitely make a difference when I get a sudden PayPal payment from them and I am about $75 or so richer. Plus, I am writing about what I know, so it's fairly simple and the articles interest me. I also applied for a site called LoveToKnow, but have yet to hear back from them. I desperately need to bang out a few Examiner articles this week because I want to make payout for the month of October and so far I am nowhere near it. I get almost no page views on that site though, so I am wondering right now if it is even worth the effort. I thought LA hotel reviews would be a popular topic, but I am lucky if I make 10 cents a day. I am trying to get my Suite account reactivated however. I am not sure who to e-mail but I definitely want to get on that. Okay, thats all for now!

Write well, write often

Friday, October 8, 2010

So Much to Do!

So I have taken a bow, and resigned from Suite101. My articles were being stolen and I was being told that I was the plagairizer, which really appauled me. I have turned my focus back to Demand Studios. I am making on average $500 a week, which is not too shabby if you ask me. I am using my DMS earnings to move into my first apartment on Monday and I am so excited. I have so much I have to buy before I move though. A lot of stuff is stuff I didn't factor into my price range. Another thing that worries me is that I am placing all my eggs in one basket, the DMS basket. I do still write for Bright Hub and Examiner, but neither site is exactly a huge money maker, so I am nervous that if Demand falls through for some reason, I won't be able to pay rent. I am still using oDesk, and just finished working for one of my clients, but most of the jobs there expect writers to work for $1-$3 an hour, and right now I work for $30 an hour, so it makes no sense to take a job that pays so poorly. I am hoping that something just happens to come my way, but I am not sure how that will happen quite frankly. The move is goign to free up time in my schedule once I settle down, so hopefully I have time to investigate the internet and some magazines to try to find some writing opportunities. If any of my readers know of any good opportunities for freelancers, please send them my way! It would be much appreciated.

Write well, write often

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy Bee

Hey guys, I've been neglecting my blog because I am just so stressed and busy.  I have quit smoking so I am all nerves right now. I have decided to get a new apartment on the 1st of November, so I'm racing around like a chicken without a head trying to find a place to live and everything is just crazy! I wish the day had 48 hours in it, honestly. I am a workaholic right now. Oh and major drama with my house, the internet has been down for two days, so I have practically moved in to Starbucks. That's where I am right now. I'm trying to make a list of everything I need for my new apartment, but I am sure I'm missing things. Anyone have any ideas of things most people don't think of that are necessities for a new apartment? This is a new adventure for me, and I can hardly believe that I am turning into adult!

Write well and write often

Friday, October 1, 2010

In with the Old, Out with the New!

Hey guys, no I didn't mistype my title. I am letting go of my freelance clients in order to make more time for Demand Media, which I had pushed out of my schedule a few weeks ago. After some serious number crunching, I have concluded that I can make the most profit by writing for Demand Studios, than I am making with any of my clients, even if I commit extensive time to the projects I have been working on. I am planning to move back to the East Coast within the next six months, and need money to do it, so I'm trying to put my concentration and efforts where I will reap the greatest benefits. Some of my projects have been so time consuming lately that I have neglected the production of my book, which is where my passioon resides. So from now on, I will focus on my book, Demand Studios, and Suite 101. My book and Suite 101 is where I get the most solice from writing, and Demand is where I make the most profit, so this is my decision. For now of course.

Write well, write often!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Progress on all Fronts

I am happy to inform all you loyal readers that all aspects of my life currently are going well (for the time being). I am making big strides with the progress of my book, I am working well with a private client who is just a joy to write for, and other people are inquiring about jobs for me to do as well. I am look up, and my salary is going up! Very excited. I am still partially financially dependent on my mother as I make this move into full-time freelancing, but with each new job, I feel myself getting closer and closer to my goal of financial independence. I pay for half of my purchases right now, which is far more than I have ever been able to cover in my life. The new job has given me a sense of purpose and confidence in my writing, which content mills just haven't provided me with. Oh! And I forgot to mention, the other aspect of my life that is going well is that I just started talking to this amazing guy. He is sweet and kind-hearted, and best of all is that he doesn't drink, so completely respects that I don't either. I am crossing my fingers that this good luck lasts, and hope this season is bringing great things for all of you!

Write well and write often

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Clients, Book Progress and More

Hey guys, sorry I havent updated in a few days Ive been working like a dog. My book is coming along well, I have about 15000 words. I have received a couple rejection letters from publishing companies, but I am not letting them get me down. I know that with time I will find the right publisher. Because of my networking with various writer associations I have access to tons of publishing company databases, of which I have only scratched the surface. Perserverance is the key here,

I have also been spending a great deal of time bidding for projects on Elance and oDesk. So far I have received one offer which looks promising. It takes time to sort through the people who expect high-quality work for pennies, but I have determination to find the right clientele and build up my portfolio.

I have finally found something I love to do, and Ill be damned if I let the difficulties I have been facing stop me from what I want to do!

Write well and write often

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Ventures are in the Works!

So I am trying to make my mind up about how I want to steer my new blogs. I am definitely going to create a couple more, all topic focused, and use this one for personal updating and occasional venting. I'm not sure what type of blog I want to start with yet however. I might do one on dieting and nutrition and another on substance abuse and recovery. It seems that this might be a good way of going about making some easy money on the internet, and those are my areas of expertise. So I will most definitely keep my readers updated on whats going on!

In other news, I have created a schedule for myself to keep me on track while working at home. Its tempting when I am sitting at my desk and supposed to be working, to suddenly drift off into the abyss of the world wide web! That doesn't bode well for my productivity. So each day I am setting up "appointments" if you will; allocated time slots each to writing, applying for new clients, and doing research. I hope I can stay on the ball, because my income is decreasing on a daily basis now that I no longer write for Demand Studios.

I did however, re-enter the world of the single people today, so that should clear up a good deal of my time!

Write well and write often

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Long, Long Day

Well it's been a long day of resume posting, applying for jobs and trying to get this freelance career up and running. I am starting to get discouraged, but fear not! I will go forth in pursuit of my dreams regardless of adversity. At only 23, I feel like I am too young to land the jobs I want, but the squeeky wheel gets the grease, and I will squeek away. I have been reading blog after blog about becoming a freelance writer in an effort to pick the brains of some success stories. I think I am going to get some business cards made so I can promote my writing. I like business cards, they make me feel professional. I have had them before for a previous job and I got them for a fairly cheap cost, so Im hoping they will pay for themselves in time. I know that this job is all about networking and just sticking with it when the going gets tough, and right now the going is tough. My book is coming along fine and dandy though! Hope to hear from a publisher sometime soon. Basically I am just trying to make money any where I can and right now thats not a lot of places. I need to give myself a break, I am just starting this, and I don't really know what I'm doing. Sometimes I just wish there were 48 hours in a day, because WOW are my days FLYING! Well, it's back to my book I go right now, hope everyone is alright.

Help show some love to my suite articles!
Write well and write often

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Book is Growing!

Hey everyone! So I started my book today and I am three chapters in! (Note: I am WRITING a book, not reading one) It's going well so far. I sent the table of contents along with the first two chapters out to a few publishing companies and agents. Im really hoping I get a deal. I've also started to eat more, which is a good thing because I had been massively restricting. I realized though that engaging in my eating disorder would eventually lead me back to using, and thats the last thing that I want. Im also trying to be more honest and forthright, anything that will keep me on the beam so to speak. All in all it was a tough day, but productive and positive. I also got some resumes out to private clients looking for writers. Hope I land a writing gig! I could really use the money :-)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Its Been a Good Day

Hey guys! Hope today has been good for everyone, its been a pretty good day for me. I just got a new writing gig with a content company called Writer Access. Im about to go search Craigslist for any new freelance openings. I joined the International Womens Writers Guild today, which is pretty exciting. I have to get some work done tonight. Aiming to write four or five new pieces for various sites. That's pretty much all that's been going on with me.

Write well and write often

Monday, September 20, 2010

Just checking in

Hey guys! Hope everyone had a good day. After much consideration I decided to give my boyfriend another chance. He is trying really hard and I want to be there for him as much as possible. I know I can't save him, but if he is honestly trying to better himself, I will support him along his journey. I didn't get much time to write today, busy day. I met with my new AA sponsor, she's amazing. I have 126 days today, wow. The obsession to drink and get high has been lifted from me and it is amazing. I am so grateful for the gift of sobriety and the serenity that my freelance career brings me. I am so happy today. That's all for now, stay cool ladies and gentlemen, and be sure to check out my latest articles!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just posted my 50th article at Suite 101

Hey guys! Busy day for me today. I have 125 days sober and my boyfriend just relapsed. I buried myself in my work to distract from dealing with unpleasant emotions. I don't know what to do. My gut says this is an unhealthy relationship for me to be in, but my heart wants to stay. I can't make up my mind. On the bright side, I posted my 50th article for Suite 101 today! That means I get an increased revenue. Very excited. Still trying to land some private clients to get my freelance writing career off the ground. I hope this blog helps! Thanks for checking in to see how I'm doing, I'll update this daily. Bye guys
